Friday, August 26, 2011

Playstation Vita Release Date News

At E3 earlier this year both Nintendo and Sony announced their big plans for the year. Nintendo announced its WII U and Sony announced the Playstation Vita, their next generation portable gaming system. It was an impressive display to the least showing off the ability to play Uncharted 3 with beautiful graphics and taking full advantage of the first major dual analog portable gaming system. Sony also announced at the time that they would be selling two models, one with Wi-Fi and one with 3G internet provided through AT&T. This had a lot of consumers worried as they thought the price would be outrageous but much to everyone’s surprise the cheaper model of the Vita will be the same price as Nintendo’s new handheld, the 3DS at 250 dollars.

Since the announcement Nintendo has reduced the price of the 3DS in attempts to drive up sales and they have announced a version of the 3DS to come out early 2012 with dual analog sticks. Something the original didn’t have. Both of the announcements is clearly in response to Sony announcing the Vita but Sony never really announced when it would be released. The rumor mill has been working around the clock on the release date for the Vita. I’ve heard everything from it is being delayed to get 4G internet speeds to Sony is waiting to release it until the hype from the 3DS dies down, but fortunately for you and me both, it seems a series of leaks has occurred that may mean that we are getting the Vita sooner than expected.

Blockbuster UK has an ad in their stores that is saying the release date for the Vita is October 28th, says the Vita will be available on their website November 4th, and a letter sent to IGN said that Supremacy MMA, one of the games set for the launch of the Vita, will be released fall this year. So if everything goes well, come holiday time, we will have our hands on the overpowered and beautiful Playstation Vita. I’m traditionally a Nintendo handheld user but for this one, I think Sony will take the cake and eat it too. One last thing, the Blockbuster UK advertisement says the Vita will be 230/280 Euros and it has already been said that the Euros and dollar prices will equal which means for us in the U.S. it could possibly be a 230 dollar system which has me even more excited. 

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