Friday, September 16, 2011

Gaming's weekly roundup

First on the menu is this, a video made by the guys who made Plants Versus Zombies. We don’t really know why this video was made or what its purpose is but we like how silly it is and hope you will too. Enjoy.

On a more serious note the Tokyo Game Show press releases have been coming at us faster than we can handle them and since the Friday article is primarily a summation of the week we will keep it to that. The biggest news from TGS so far is that we have a confirmed release date for Playstation Vita. Excited right? Well hold your horses*, it is only confirmed for Japan (December 17, 2011) and many suspect that it won’t be until February 2012 that other markets start to see it. It doesn’t really matter to me that we have to wait, we have 1 date and a second will probably be released soon which means this thing is real and it is happening. I can’t wait. It has also been announced at TGS that 100 games will be available during the Playstation Vita launch window. As amazing as that sounds we are concerned that they might be trying to force feed us too much stuff at once, but we also suspect that many of those games will be Japan only releases and the number is likely to be much smaller for U.S. and European markets.

We aren’t going to list all of the games that the Vita will launch with but we did just hear that Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom is going to be one of them and that has us very excited. We also learned that Soul Caliber V should be available during the first quarter of 2012, a more specific date has yet to be released but we expect it to be on the PS3 and Xbox 360 at the very least and maybe the Vita if it is actually able to handle that style of fighting game appropriately. The last announcement that has us super excited is Super Monkey Ball for the Vita, I spent countless hours playing it on Gamecube that even now 5-10ish years later I still feel like the game is appropriate for me.

Enjoy your weekend, pwn some noobs, and check back in Monday for the next round of gaming news.

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*If you don’t have a horse on hand feel free to hold something else. We recommend a banana, duct tape, a turned off lava lamp, or a grandfather clock but really anything will work

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