Huge news today (this weekend really but we were away), there is an official release date for Star Wars: The Old Republic and it is this year! Tuesday, December 20th SW:TOR will be released. The game we have been waiting for since its announcement in 2008 is finally here and it’s just a short 3 months away. The timing couldn’t be better either with competing games like Torchlight 2 and Diablo 3 right around the corner as well. I imagine that we will here the announcement of an early 2012 release date for Diablo 3 (once the buzz about SW:TOR has died down), and I further suspect that after the announcement of Diablo 3 we will here a mid-late November or a very early December announcement for Torchlight 2’s release date.
D3, TL2, and SW:TOR (is this really English anymore?) are different kinds of games so you may be thinking that their dates shouldn’t impact buyers but with the style of TL2 and D3 being a form of MMORPG (minus the massive) some fans of true MMORPGs will be thinking of grabbing them. Blizzard is a big company, they need a return on D3 (and its 10 years of work), so they will likely play it safe and not try to compete with a title like SW:TOR but TL2 is a different story. Torchlight 2 will be a 20 dollar game, it’s just the preference the producers have over at Runic Games. Because their game is so cheap and so popular it can show up before SW:TOR, pull strong numbers, and if it truly is another great game from them, survive through SW:TOR’s launch because of its price point. People are more likely to risk buying a 20 dollar game that is the sequel to a ‘game of the year’ game then they are to buying a game that in the past hasn’t produced the best titles. Historically Star Wars games haven’t been amazing, we wish the best for latest one from Bioware but we will be keeping a wary eye on it.
These are merely predictions, not fact (except the SW:TOR release date). It is simply based off when they should be released to produce the most profit and gain the biggest fan base. However I am no economist/marketer and I’m quite terrible with numbers so take it only as an idea, but feel free to tell me how/when you think the three games will be released and why below.
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