Monday, September 12, 2011

The semi-live coverage of Nintendo's 2011 3DS conference

Nintendo's conference ended about 30 minutes ago, so here it is, the initial report. Tomorrow I will have a much better list of the nights announcements

A lot happened at the Nintendo 3DS 2011 conference this year and a lot didn’t happen that many were expecting. First, we had some huge titles released, titles huge in Japan but also some big titles for the U.S. and European markets. Some of the titles (for the 3DS) included Luigi’s Mansion 2, Mario Tennis (a new announcement), a new Fire Emblem game, Kirby, Super Mario 3D, Paper Mario, Mario Kart, Monster Hunter 3G 3Ds, Animal Crossing, and a lot more.

I’m not sure what Nintendo was doing but they announced a pink DS that will be released October 28th (but they sort of said it was intended for girls, like pink was girls only, it just sounded funny). They also announced Love Plus a popular real life simulation game in Japan and Girls Mode or Girls Match (not entirely certain of the title), a Girl dress up game. Above all the emphasis of Nintendo’s conference was towards female targeting games. They also announced Project Mirai a game based around Japan’s most popular imaginary female animated celebrity Hatsune Miku. If my knowledge of Japanese pop culture is correct Hatsune Miku is the character that has concerts with a 3d projected animated image.

By far the biggest announcement of the night was Monster Hunter 4, Monster Hunter 3G 3DS is set to release later this year. It is such a huge series in Japan and the game looked so good I hope I can find it here in the U.S., it might actually threaten the launch of the Playstation Vita and I think that is what Nintendo had in mind when announcing it. The biggest announcement of the night that never happened was the boat peripheral. Everyone was expecting that Nintendo would comment on the need to redesign its newest portable device less than a year after its launch or at the very least mention how exactly the additional analog stick is going to work, when it will be released, and how much its going to drain our wallets. My guess is that they avoided it all together and stuck with the positives tonight because of all the bad press they have been receiving recently because of the boat (what everyone is calling the extra analog stick).

It was a big night, I really haven’t even begun to touch on everything that was announced or when the games will be coming out but for now it will have to do. I did learn that Nintendo conferences in Japan are held in Japanese with either no subtitles or Japanese subtitles and that real time translators on my phone don’t work… like at all. I also learned that despite having watched a huge amount of Japanese anime (English subtitles) over the last couple of years, I can’t translate anything, so to IGN I thank you guy’s big time. Without their live commenting and translating of the conference I wouldn’t have been able to do much except listen to the awesome music Nintendo always has and watch the videos (and read numbers for dates).Also, a big thanks to Ustream for hosting the conference.

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